In a similar visit, the Institute of Polymer Engineers led by its President, Engr. Mrs. Edith Ishidi reiterated their desire to providing quality service in order to enhance professional competence and development of its members at all times.

Engr. Ishidi, who led her Exco to NBRRI, noted that the major activity of the Institute is to ensure that polymer related firms and establishments abide by the tenants of engineering practice in Nigeria.

The Institute according to Ishidi, is worried with the huge pollution around the environment which are majorly caused by used polymer based domestic items and has come up with world class management options. These options will include industrial conversion of this so-called waste to other useful items particularly for the building and road infrastructural sector. The reclaimed plastic waste would be used to formulate composites for the building sector and other applications.


She further noted that Nigeria is yearning for a fruit dropping research which NBRRI has already keyed into by providing alternative building materials for the building and road infrastructure. Pledging her Institute’s unalloyed support and collaboration especially in the area of knowledge exchange.

Ishidi stated that the significance of polymer engineering cannot be overemphasized as it is undoubtedly the fastest growing field of engineering, with vast application in many other engineering sectors such as Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, Electrical etc. It has also in the most recent time become a point of attraction in the field of engineering materials globally.

The DG/CEO of NBRRI, Prof. D. S. Matawal assured the Nigerian Institution of Polymer Engineers that as an Institute, NBRRI is already utilizing polymer materials in various aspects. Polymer based solutions are being applied to soil as it shoots up the strength of the soil. Similarly, the NBRRI lab is at the verge of producing bricks with the use of polymer and asphalt to determine its strength and durability.

High point of the visit is the presentation of an award of honour for the DG/CEO of NBRRI, Prof. D.S Matawal by the Institute of Polymer Engineers in recognition of his commitment to the Research and Development sector of the economy.

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